The exploration of memories and what remains in one's mind's eye in visual snippets is a fascination for an artist. What informs my work is what images are sarked by what i see today and what they remind me of from my past. I use circles a lot to symbolize the circle of life and how patterns are repeated in life. Harry Chapin said, "All my life's a circle, sunrise and sunset..." As I get older, I agree more and more as I see so many things repeated and oen thing reminds me of another years later.
Of course, it is not only visual memories that come back, there are smells, sounds and tastes that bring back past memories as well. Old songs, favorite foods or special smells that recreate experiences or special times.
These three mixed media prints are from high school years in the late 50's- early 60's. The use of black and white are reflected of the 50's, the 55 Chevy was my favorite car, the prom pictures as well as other yearbook pictures as well as the old television and other pictures and ads of the timed are intersperse with patterns from the times as well as monotypes printing in colors.
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