The joy of an Artist Residency is having studio space and the focus of undiluted time to spend on your work times the community of like-minded people around you who are also artists with the same passion and commitment to their work. It is a pleasure to be in such an environment and interact with artists of different media and styles, but who all love what they do.
Pictured above are some of the people I enjoyed meeting: Top photo shows Sage Dawson and Masako Miki both fellow printmakers.
The next photo is my dream Vermonter (who actually lived in Connecticut) but put here to be sure you are paying attention!!
Steve Locke is the Visiting Artist from Boston who lectured and then spent time with those of us who signed up for a critique. He was so generous with his time and insights.
The bottom photo is Lenore Shapiro, a writer, who roomed across the hall from me and was returning for her 6th visit to Vermont Studio Center to finishing editing a young adult novel on the Holocaust. She is 80 years old, a lively and intelligent person to pal around with and have late night conversation with.
There were so many others whose pictures I did not get. Unfortunately I rarely had my camera with me.
Great experience Linda and I see a lot of work on the walls and table there!
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