What makes Disney World so special to adults and children? What is the Magic, not only of the Kingdom, but of the entire property? For me it is how dedicated everyone is to insuring that I have a good time. Everyone who works for Disney does his or her job well, from top to bottom. There is a super work ethic. And everyone does it with a pleasant disposition and courtesy. No one waits on you in a store talking on a cell phone, ignoring you when you walk in. No one is annoyed at you when you bother them to wait on you. Everyone is pleasant and friendly. People make eye contact and want to help you have a good time. The staff of all Disney properties work tirelessly for your benefit. Things run smoothly and on time. The bus system, the food system, the park system- are all though out and planned. They are not cheap but they are well run and I feel like I get my money's worth.
The other major ingredient of the Magic is the imagination and showmanship that goes into the program and entertainment in the parks. The rides and shows are superior in quality and design. Every time I have returned to Disney World there is something new added. They are always thinking of some new ride or event to add to the parks to keep returning guests excited. The special effects are brilliant, the art is creative, and the overall effect is always entertaining. My favorite activities include the African Safari, the Lion King Show, the 3-D movies, Peter Pan Ride, Winnie-the-Pooh Ride, It's a Small World After All, Barnstorm Goofy Ride, Race Track Ride, Magic Carpets of Aladdin Ride, Dumbo Ride, and the Little Mermaid Show. Remember, I bring a five year old with me- no Splash Mountain for us!
The entire concept and development of Disney World is from the ingenious mind of Walt Disney who imagined all of this.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere.
Albert Einstein
Photographs by Linda Dubin Garfield
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