Everyone of my trips to Disney World, whether with my 16 year old son, my sister or each of my 5 year old grandchildren, has included the It's a Small World ride. Most people find the repetitious song cloying by the end; it is sung over and over and over... ad nauseum but I enjoy it. The boat ride travels through the dioramas of twirling dolls dressed in many countries' themed traditional dress- saris, peasant outfits, a chasidic wedding, Mexican dancers, etc. All the dolls are happy and adorable; the artwork is lovely, colorful and clever. There is so much to see- great eye candy- so much, you can get visual diabetes! It's a delightful 10 minutes and a ride i look forward to on every visit.
I think also love the ride because I believe it really is a small world after all. I enjoy meeting people from all over the world and seeing how our similarities are so much more significant than our differences. Our hopes and dreams, our fears and worries are similar- what we want for our children... these important things are the same. What we eat and wear are different, our music is different, but the basics are the same. I also love when I bump into people I know far from home. It happens often because it's a small world. So a high school friend's daughter is waiting in the airport in Zambia, Africa right next to me on a 5 hour delayed flight! Isn't that great?
Small world, hey?
Photographs of It's A Small World taken by Linda Dubin Garfield
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